Positive and Negative Waterproofing
February 17, 2021

What Is Positive and Negative Waterproofing?

There are a number of methods that are used to waterproof a structure from the inside and outside, which are often determined on a case-by-case basis depending on the dynamics, design, and circumstances of the structure. Positive side and negative side waterproofing are two of the waterproofing solutions in the construction industry. What’s the difference […]

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Garage Floor Coating
February 8, 2021

Factors to Consider when Choosing a Garage Floor Coating

The purpose of a garage floor coating is to effectively protect your garage floor against fluid leaks, oil stains from vehicles, and to extend the lifespan of your structure. For all of these reasons, choosing the right garage floor coating for your needs is essential. Whether you need to clean up or revamp your garage […]

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Polyurea Coatings
January 29, 2021

What You Need to Know about Polyurea Coatings

Polyurea is one of the most versatile, long-lasting, and durable protective coatings used in the building and construction industry. It was initially developed in the late 1980s and was used primarily in the automotive industry. Over the years the use of polyurea coatings has continued to expand across a variety of industrial, commercial, and residential […]

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Bridge deck waterproofing
January 21, 2021

How Polyurea Helps with Bridge Deck Waterproofing

Advanced polyurea technology has been used as a protective coating and waterproofing membrane for a variety of engineering and construction applications, including bridge deck waterproofing, for nearly thirty years. In fact, polyurea coatings have proven to be one of the most resilient, durable, long-lasting, impermeable, and reliable waterproofing membranes in the building industry.  Structures that […]

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polyurethane sealant types, characteristics and application methods
December 30, 2020

Everything You Need to Know about Polyurethane Sealants

The type of sealant you use for a particular commercial, residential, or industrial application makes a big difference in terms of the longevity and overall strength. Over the years, polyurethane sealants have earned the designation of becoming the industry standard material to use across a wide range of applications. There’s a good reason for this. […]

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comparing epoxy coatings and polyaspartic coating
December 14, 2020

Comparing Polyaspartic Coating vs. Epoxy Coatings

Epoxy coating is a chemical compound that consists of basic components of cured end epoxy resins, which are also referred to as polyepoxides. Epoxy resins belong to a group of polymers and prepolymers that also contain epoxide groups. It’s a two-component formula that consists of epoxy resin and hardener that protects a variety of different […]

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water treatment plant restoration with polyurea SIPP coating
November 20, 2020

How Polyurea SIPP Coating Helps Restore Water Supply and Wastewater Systems

According to the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, approximately 30% of the potable water infrastructure in Canada is in “very good condition”. Canada’s potable water infrastructure is made up of linear and non-linear assets. Linear assets are characterized by local water and transmission pipes, whereas non-linear assets consist of water treatment facilities, pumping stations, and reservoirs. […]

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October 29, 2020

Benefits of Polyurea Coatings for Water Treatment Facilities

Wastewater and sewage processing is an expensive, but important undertaking for every community. Maintaining your wastewater treatment infrastructure, particularly concrete and metal water processing tanks, is essential to keeping these facilities operational for many years without interruption. One of the best ways to protect your water treatment facility is to apply advanced polyurea protective coatings […]

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moisture mitigation primer article
October 21, 2020

The Importance of Moisture-Mitigating Primers for Slab On-Grade Construction and Green Concrete

Moisture-mitigating primers are specifically designed to protect flooring by reducing the exposure to moisture and preventing moisture from seeping through porous concrete slabs. Think of a moisture mitigation system as a worthwhile investment that protects your flooring system against severe and expensive water damage, while also extending the lifespan of your floor coating. Here’s how […]

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polyurea coating roofing system
September 29, 2020

Why Polyurea Roof Coatings Are the Best Option for Your Project

Polyurea roof coatings are one of the strongest waterproof and protective barriers for a variety of low slope  industrial, commercial, and residential roofing structures. Used to protect and waterproof, polyurea is an excellent alternative to other roofing methods. A polyurea roofing system will waterproof and protect your structure against damages caused by inclement weather, expansion […]

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